Sunday, May 11, 2008

Revlon Walk a Thon Saturday May 10th 2008

On a cloudy and slightly sprinkly day....we went down to Exposition Park and USC, the Coliseum and the Revlon Walk....we volunteered to give out water to the walkers and runners

This is the volunteer shirt we got


During the Walk, there were a few people who came by....and then more, and then more and THEN the CROWDS! wooo weeee! It was crowded! but it was fun!
In Remembrance of those who've been lost to Breast Cancer or Ovarian Cancer...they walked, and for those who are still dealing with it

Tori posing with Garth Kemp and Kathy Vara for Channel 7 Eyewitness news! Closer up! click to see a video of the event...we were right there across the street from the cameras!

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