Wednesday, May 13, 2009

AP Test

Waiting for Tori at the Greek Church in Long Beach. Really cool church, and has a beautiful blue tile roof...did I take a photo of that? NO, but the courtyard is really nice with flagstone.
As the kids piled out of the test room, Suki was crying because she was trying to get out to play. She loves kids, and playing...

They kept coming out and piling out. Over 260 kids took the AP English test

Finally, Tori comes out, exhausted, and glad to be out.
We went home because she really didn't have to go back to school...

Monday, May 11, 2009

New phone

New phone shopping! We finally got around to getting a new phone for Tori. She got money from her dad, and so we went shopping.

Don't ask me what it is. I have no clue. Just because I have the iPhone, people think I am IT saavy...not! However, this one slides, and uses the finger swooping, and whatever blings and beeps...and she likes to text on it. (it slides and has a text keyboard, plus it will do some of the things my phone does)
ps. She's in uniform because she took a photo for the senior year! (varsity uniform!)

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Revlon Walk May 9, 2009

Revlon Walk 2009