She scored a freethrow, and missed acouple of layups but they were good fouled layups. So she got to shoot at the free throw line. BUT..............In the LAST 50 seconds of the game, she went up to defend the basket with another player, (Vicki?) jumped up and clutched her knee. She came down hard and was on the floor, clutching her knee. I hesitated at getting up, but realized as she didn't get up right away, that it was wrong...all wrong.....

The trainer told us she hyperextended her knee. Her left knee. She got up and hobbled off the court. We ended up going to the ER. They said "Sprain" after being there in the hall way of the over crowded LB Memorial Hospital.

So Friday, we go to the Pediatrician. He sends us to an orthopedic doctor. Dr. Jacksons (we saw Dr. Warden - cute nice doctor, young but nice!)


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