For one, I have finished my freshman year of high school. I think I have had a fantastic year this year. I think it has been one of my best so far.
But there is more to come...If they are like my freshman year or better, my high school life will be great. Another thing I did, I played on the basketball team and I was the freshman captain. Our team had some rough patches,
but we pulled through just fine...but, next years team will be way different. So many people have left the team, either because they are doing another sport or because they don't have to play anymore. it is sad to see so many people go...but our team needs players who are dedicated to the sport.

The other thing that I have discovered this year, is I HATE SEAGULLS AND PIDGEONS! THEY POOP all over us at lunch everyday!!! I got pooped on 3 or 4 times this year! I swear, I think they aim for us. Everyday, someone gets pooped on! It was funny, during Daylight Savings time change, the birds were 1 hour late getting to us at lunch time!!! So, for almost a whole week, we were all poop FREE!!!
I have completed all of my service learning hours, and I have turned them in. But I still plan to continue building up those hours so I can receive an award for having 200 service learning hours completed on graduation.
This year, I had also sent in an application to be a CA for kid's camp with Bethany, but I did not get the opportunity to go. But when I had realized that some of the kids who were not as mature as I was, were going, I was a little disappointed only because I thought I had deserved it more. But, what I didn't realize, is that I probably didn't want it as much as they did. So, I guess I have nothing to complain about. year, hopefully, my confidence will be built up enough to be a CA next year.
Another thing this year...I had injuries from basketball. I have been knocked down, pushed around but the injury that I hve right now would be my thumb. I had dislocated and tore the ligaments in my left thumb. 

I had my arm in a cast for a month just to let the ligaments heal. This is my doctor, Dr. Nathan. He's good. He would wiggle my thumb and bang on it, and after I was wincing, he would ask me if it hurt...duh!
I also found out that my dad has been dating a girl for over a year. And because of this girl he missed the most important day of my baptism. I was so angry at him, ...and I still am. I don't understand why he wouldn't want to see me get baptized. But, I am just so angry at him.....
xo. T.
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