On October 30, 2009, a young girl, Melody Ross was innocently shot while she waited with many people to cross the street.

She was an innocent bystander.
You hear about things like that on the news, but never realize what INNOCENT bystander really means.....When it actually gets this close to you, you feel the pain and the loss. It brings it so close to you that you can't help but feel pain for the family and friends.......This was a tribute to Melody. She wasn't someone we knew, but she was quickly a friend after friday's football game. Yes, it was after the Wilson Homecoming game against Poly. It was a loss of a game, but it became a loss for the school, the district and the city as a whole and then affected more than just our city. Long Beach is one of the largest cities within the Los Angeles county, besides Los Angeles.....

It has it's problems, but it does have it's blessings...
This was taken on November 4, Wednesday. There was a candlelight vigil for Melody...
The football team was all there in uniform...

The kids and adults from Wilson and other schools, Lakewood, Poly, Millikan, Cabrillo, and Jordan, came...to celebrate the life of a young lady who has, touched others beyond what she did in life, she did in death....

It was a celebration that we need to reach out and touch others...
Let the candle burn bright....for a life cut short...
Rest...in Peace...